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Cool Ring Design

The Statement:

" It is the journey, not the destination."  The deeper I go into the learning process, the more there is to learn.  As I travel down the path, I pick up on subtleties that life throws my way.  My work can be organic or contemporary however, 

there have been a string of constants that have guided me.  Although I may sway off the path, my work always seems to swing back around to my core thoughts.  My core design words of inspiration are: layered, translucent, velvet, vintage, worn, and alluring.




I received my BS in Health Information Management from

St. Louis University.  I took a few art classes in college however, it

was not until after I graduated that my interest in metal became

a focal point.  I continued my education at Maryville University and took Metalsmithing under Sherri Jaude.  I have taken numerous classes and workshops all over the US, from well known metalsmiths and authors, which include, Andy Cooperman, Noel Leicht, CeCe Wire, Dan Haga, Jayne Redman, Adam Foster, Nanz Aalund, Trish McAleer and Sarah name a few.   


My current focus is on getting my new studio in working order. So much to do and so little time!  As far as my actual work is in constant review and evolving with each day.


Professional Memberships:

Society of North America Goldsmiths - SNAG

Society of Metalsmiths - MM - board member

The Enamelists Society

The Best of Missouri Hands - Juried member


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